Monday, February 27, 2006

Over the weekend I went to International Falls with a group of members of the St. Cloud Elks Lodge, where I participated in a curling bonspiel. None of us had ever curled before. We won the first game, got thoroughly drubbed in the two following.

This experience reminded me of something I've noticed in other physical endeavors. Sometimes the first attempt works fairly well because I haven't learned enough to get in my own way. It's the thinking I learn to do that makes me move away from whatever comes most naturally and so make the process more difficult. That is the way I am. I get worse at physical things before I get better--if I get better. The psychology of this is fascinating. It's as though I have only so much computing power available, so I need to develop habits that I don't have to think about, leaving enough mind to think through strategies without thinking about mechanics. I'll let you know when I accomplish this with golf.

I came back with a world class allergy attack. I don't think my nose liked the curling rink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, my kudos to you for attempting a new physical challenge. You are a multi-faceted person!

Second, I would agree with you on the 'thinking makes it more difficult'. If I remember correctly there was some research done (10 or 13 years ago) on just your observation. Perhaps if you don't really "think" about what you are doing, and just "do it", it would be easier. Worked for me in Karate!

*thought bubble* Did you find this happening when you began to teach -- you thought too much about the rules that you missed the 'big picture'?

Third, you are probably allergic to all the Canadian air that floats down in the IF area. Have some green tea and a sniff of the Lake and you should be all better :)

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Peabody,

I do hope you are feeling better today.

8:09 AM  

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