Thursday, February 23, 2006

The study of singing is the study of breathing. This is useful in the rest of life. A new teacher has brought me to renewed consciousness of this breathing business. I used to study it as a meditation technique. Recently I've returned to that, too. Imagine a life built around breath. Physical breath; metaphorical breath.

Imagine writing for the sake of breathing easily. Imagine a first draft as a long exhalation, the surprise of discovery offering a sudden, sharp diaphragmatic contraction. Imagine polishing a draft as riding lightly on a stream of breath, elevated, drawn in to the core, sent out to the very atmosphere. Imagine calm delight.

Imagine teaching writing as teaching breathing. What could be a more natural gift? What could offer any greater well-being?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, you have found a way to make all this seem so easy. I'm sure there is also a lyrical poem in your entry for today. Of course, the teacher cannot forget to breathe/write too, or else the ability and love to teach will stagnate or die.

1:45 PM  

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