Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Today my methods class went mad.

They went away. I couldn't find them any more. They were laughing so hard and for so long that meaningful work was impossible. At the end a student tried to read her paper aloud but was unable to, as each of her first two sentences provoked such hilarity that any further thinking was, well, unthinkable.

Each time I tried to return us to work another bout of spasming began. By the time we were out of time I feared my head might explode.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Peabody. I had the utmost sympathy for you in class today. Although I needed some laughing -- to escape -- I was beginning to wonder if I was becoming the "audience" again.
I sincerely believe that no matter how old we are chronologically, if we are left to ourselves and in the wrong company, we will go awry.
I did find humor in your desk hiding, desk standing, and chest beating; but I know it did not have the affect you wished it to.
I will pray that when we meet again everyone will stay.
p.s. will you please post or email me what you wrote about Peabody?

4:39 PM  
Blogger Berne said...

Ah the memories of Methods Classes. :)

6:43 AM  

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