Tuesday, June 20, 2006

George goes for a test tomorrow to see whether the surgeon can cut out one lung and the ribs on one side of his chest in hopes of saving his life.

Allan is in the Mayo complex today after suffering a heart attack. He awaits heart surgery this week.

One of the accompaniments to reaching late middle age is that your friends start dropping.

Meanwhile, I committed to doing a role in an opera this August and to trying to help establish a Bemidji Opera Company for next summer. After a bike ride and a walk I will go to the pool in a few minutes where I will swim a vigorous mile. After that I will have a light lunch, come back to school to help out a graduate advisee, and then greet an old friend from Cromwell High School teaching days. In light of George and Allan, I will try to enjoy my gifts and my health.

Is it weird to feel guilty about being fortunate?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The short answer: Not At All! If it were not for your fortunate times you would be unwilling to be there for your friends.

You are a wonderful human, Dr. Christensen. Those who have you in their life are blessed beyond words.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God put you on this earth and had a plan for you. You have compassion and understanding, and that draws people to you like bees to honey. If not for you, the friends of yours wouldn't be able to draw strength from your goodwill and generosity. You're a good man who is appreciated veyr much by his students, fellow workers, friends and family. You're the catayst in helping the world become brighter and understanding, despite having to work on a much smaller stage than God.

6:38 AM  

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