Thursday, July 20, 2006

Orlando was a blast. Blast furnace.

I did learn of a new program the Elks are doing that I'm interested in, and that is to distribute dictionaries to third grade classrooms. That will be my next project.

I got back to Minnesota to 98 degree heat during the Shriners parade in Detroit Lakes. Two guys collapsed.

It felt wonderful compared to Orlando.

Yesterday I went in to the office to find the furniture guys replacing my ancient stuff with new. This means that today I've spent house/officekeeping. Most of the piles are off the floor now.

I'm going to go catch up on blogs next.


Blogger Loralee Choate said...


Glad you had fun and are out of the furnace intact.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home! You were missed, I can assure you!

Giving dictionaries to hungry kids is right up your alley. I'm sure your face will be beaming and your cheeks rosy when you excitedly tell them how all these words will open doors to adventures for them.

Sorry the heat was atrocious in Orlando. Glad you didn't melt.

Is new furniture good or bad? Whichever it is, now you have an excuse to go through all those piles you have. Oh, they didn't take that gahd-awhful comfy chair, did they?

Again, welcome back! *virtual hug*

3:04 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

You deserve a swanky new desk because it reflects the technological advances in your writing.

And it's good to read a post after your, rather long, blogging hiatis. Welcome back to the cool humidity of Minnesota.

10:59 PM  

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